Friday 1 June 2012

So I caved and had a look online and found a pattern for the amigurumi I was trying to do. I don't think I am really ready to design yet. I'll post pictures and a link to the site where I got it when I have completed. Guess I better unwind all my work...doh!

Been a bit naughty

This is what happens when you don't do anything for ages than you decide to step back into it. More like a mahoosive jump. But anyways, working on an arigurimi which I am designing so I don't want give too much away but I wanted to have a flat base so it will stand, though I may have to weight it, we'll see.

The wool is 4ply and the needles are 3.25mm which I plan to turn into socks/booties for nieces and nephews born or due to be. I want to be that aunty who knits and crochets the kids gifts. Might be a bit annoying but I love receiving.knitted goods for my girls as it says someone has taken their time and effort into making the gift. Nothing like a snuggly cardi either.